Hebron, Sansana (Meitar Crossing)
Meitar crossing/Sansana – The parking lot on the Palestinian side is full and the Hebron stream stinks. Crossing goes very quickly, both on our way there and on our way back. With no unnecessary delays. If only it was a border crossing between two countries.
There are no military vehicles on Highway 317 and Highway 60. Only the observation balloon floats over Adura’im, opposite Karameh.
We drink coffee in Khirbet Tuwani. They tell us about police vehicles driving wildly through the village, chasing cars carrying people in Israel illegally, greatly endangering the children.
In Hebron, preparations for the coming holiday…
At Giv’at Gal, overlooking Highway 60, there are now 13 prefab homes – ten of them new, and all occupied. They still haven’t closed the roads to the homes of Palestinians, but they’re already harassing them…and also stealing their land. They’d bought the land from the Idris family which had emigrated from the Middle East, but the Idris family also sold land it didn’t own…
Along the worshipper’s route the army has already taken over the roof above the apartment where a Palestinian widow lives with her three sons and their wives. Children returning to school go through the checkpoint below where soldiers and peace activists are present every noon. Lately the principal has been coming to the checkpoint to ensure the children don’t throw rocks.
Three families, with 15 children, live in Beit Hameriva. The children are now on school holiday. A cute soldier watches over them…very glad for our visit.
One Palestinian car goes through the Curve 106 checkpoint. The sidewalk opposite has been repaired. This could be a beautiful city.
Soldiers patrol the streets in groups of five, more patrols than usual, in preparation for Passover.
Checkpoint 290, the Tarpat checkpoint, has been renovated…
Business as usual at the Pharmacy checkpoint…
Apparently nobody explained to the peace activists and to those from TIF what happens during Passover, so we had a long talk with them…
Now, after Marzel and his gang attacked ‘Abed and his shop, which resulted in ‘Abed’s arrest, he’s now blacklisted by the police and isn’t permitted to reach the Temple Mount to pray or to go to Jerusalem.
We promised to look into it.
Happy Eid Sa’id and Passover… freedom will come…