'Azzun, Burin (Yitzhar), Habla, Huwwara, Madama, Za'tara (Tapuah)
13:55 Habla. The gate closed at 14:15
‘Azzun: 2 jeeps and about 10 soldiers next to them are at the entrance to the village.
15:00 Madma - we once again met with the head of the local council, the secretary and the treasurer, in connection with the request to repair the well. He said it would be best to co-ordinate with the DCO since the settlers will certainly attack us, from their previous experience, and the repair will take several days. First, they have to find an expert who will check the damage and decide what can be done. So, we would have to accompany them every time that they go out into the area. They also suggest that this should not be on Shabbat but rather on the days when the settlers go to work.
My suggestion: That we first organize a meeting with our members and decide together what we should do and who is willing to help. I will also recommend to the Palestinians that they speak with their DCO who could perhaps co-ordinate this with the Palestinian DCO. I am waiting for an answer.
15:45 - Burin. While we were at Madma we heard that the settlers from Yizhar were throwing rocks on Palestinian vehicles. A Palestinian resident of Acraba was hurt and taken to hospital; the windows of a Palestinian bus were broken. We immediately traveled there but, on the way, they informed us that the settlers had burned wheat fields within Burin and another field at the entrance to Yizhar, on the left side, very near their olive groves.
We arrived in the area and there were a lot of soldiers and civilian police. They didn't allow the Palestinian fire truck to proceed in the direction of Yizhar and ordered instead an Israeli fire truck "from the mountain top"" which arrived later. The police did not want to talk with us and said that it was only a field of thorns (as though the settlers were worried about the Palestinians being bit by snakes in the fields). The soldiers did not intervene and they were on the hill opposite the school while the settlers entered and set the fields on fire within Burin. Munir reported this to Yesh Din and B'tzelem.
16:45 Huwarra - On the main road there were jeeps in two places with soldiers next to them with drawn weapons; another jeep stood at the entrance to Beita.
16:55 Za'atra - within the checkpoint itself there were more than 40 soldiers; outside there were 2 vehicles and another 10 soldiers.
17:10 Junction of Mascha, at the light there were soldiers standing on both sides..