Hebron, South Hebron Hills, Susiya
Leah Shakdiel (photos), Michal Tzadik (reporting); Translation: Maya BH
Susya: We met with wise, eloquent Azam. And this is what we learned:
The imminent threat of demolitin has been removed, but they still don't sleep well at night. The Ecumenicals are around 24 hours a day. The Susya settlers are surprisingly quiet, and he is wary even of that. As to the negotiations, their expereince taught them to distrust words and agreements. They met the deputy director of the DCO in Beit El, the DCO's legal advisor, and the head of the HEbron region. These people suggested that the Susya inhabitants move 3-4 kilometers or to alternative locations that belong to them anyhow. But the inhabitants are united in determination to stay put, and they know that the powers that be admit that they legally own their lands.
The imminent threat of demolitin has been removed, but they still don't sleep well at night. The Ecumenicals are around 24 hours a day. The Susya settlers are surprisingly quiet, and he is wary even of that. As to the negotiations, their expereince taught them to distrust words and agreements. They met the deputy director of the DCO in Beit El, the DCO's legal advisor, and the head of the HEbron region. These people suggested that the Susya inhabitants move 3-4 kilometers or to alternative locations that belong to them anyhow. But the inhabitants are united in determination to stay put, and they know that the powers that be admit that they legally own their lands.
On Aug. 11 or 14 there are supposed to b court hearings in their matter, in continuance of the appeal to the High Court brought by the Rabbis for Human Rights, and they're hoping for the best.
Later ZAzam brings up the relationship with Mitzpe Yair, which had its start as a settlement of just a few loners. Relationships were fine then, and Dalia, Yair's wife, would come over to learn from Azam's wife how to prepare butter and cheese. But eventually the harrassments began, disclosing the true intentions to take over the lands, and the shepherds were often provoked. Later Yair Har-Sinai was murdered by someone from Yata, who was eliminated by Israel's security people. Since 2004, the settlement consists of 8 familes.
MAny visitors in the area of the Cave of the Patriarchs, including many religious Jews taking advantage of the "in between" time from 9th of Ab to the start of Elul. Also Muslim pilgrims from South East Asia, and ITalian tourists who applaud us when they find iout who we are, and want to shake our hands. They have heard of us. With shining eyes they ask "Are you Israeli?", as in disbelief.
At the Pharmacy CP there are cranes, military vehicles, and working equipment. IT is apparently undergoing significant change. 3 Border Police female soldiers stand near the road, and upon seeing us summon us rudelt to approach. Leah refuses, and I start talking to them about respect for the elderly. They explain that they cannot move from their position, but re obligated to find out who we are, and why we are taking pictures. They have not heard of our organization. I insist that there tyelling is out of line.
Three tots with soup buckets approach, wanting to cross over to H1. The soldiers yell refusal. "How will they get home?", I assk. LEt them go around", they answer. "Meaning what?". "Through bend number 160". Brave women ...