Russian Compound, Jerusalem - Remand Extension, Students
Translation: Marganit W.
Judge: Major Kobi Sudari
Police Investigator (remand extension officer): Warrant Officer Afif Maklada
Typist, Interpreter
Four cases in the docket:
Hussein Yaakub Mustafa Ajrab – ID 98414077- Barred from seeing counsel
Muhamad Hussein Uda Bahiri – ID 95754346
Haldon Ibrahim Uabi Jamhur – ID 902920560
Kafah Mansour Ali Mansour – ID 411018989
Because of a long delay at the entrance to the court, we missed the first two hearings. One, perhaps two detainees were represented by an attorney (female) we have never seen before.
Before the third detainee, Haldon Jamhur was brought in, Investigator Afif announced that a magistrate court had issued a gag order in this case, so we, the visitors, had to leave. The judge examined the file and told the officer that the magistrate court’s decision does not obtain in this case. However, he ordered the case heard behind closed doors, thus preventing its publication. He requested the defense’s agreement to hold the case ‘in camera’ whereupon we left the courtroom.
The fourth detainee, Kafah Mansour, is a 30-year old law student at Al-Quds University. He is suspected of endangering security in the region and causing damage to infrastructure. He was arrested on 6.8.14
After being summoned, he arrived at 10 AM (i.e., 24 hours prior to the hearing).
This is his first remand extension and the investigator asks for 15 days remand extension.
Atty. Limor Goldstein, the defense, rejects the judge’s suggestion that he talk to his client about an agreement with the police. Instead, Goldstein wants to pose questions to the investigator about the nature of the suspicions and the need for detention. The investigator replies to some of the questions, but mostly refers the defense to the confidential file. In his summation the defense asks to release the detainee under certain conditions. He stresses that the charges are general, involve no violence or risk that call for incarceration. Moreover, the detainee reported promptly to the interrogation, and he could do so again from home. There is no need for detention.
The judge extends Mansour’s detention by 8 days, until 14.8.14. The decision is couched in long, convoluted incomprehensible sentences.
Atty. Goldstein appealed the detention, which took place on 10.8.14, but the appeal was rejected.
Nitza Aminov was present at the appeal. During the appeal hearing a few details became clear regarding the suspicions mentioned in the judge’s decision at the remand hearing 3 days earlier. It turns out that Kafah Mansour is suspect in two cases of sabotage to the power grid, which caused blackout to settlements in Gush Talmonim. The President of the appellate court rejected the appeal based on intelligence contained in the confidential file given to him. In his decision he stated that the violations are not of the severest kind brought before the military court. And yet they “are not devoid of an element of risk to security in the region…”
The President of the court did not specify the detainee’s involvement in the case. This, too, must be contained in the confidential file.
We’ll do our best to follow up.