Barta'a-Reihan, Tura-Shaked, Ya'bed-Dotan
07:00 Tura-Shaked
The checkpoint is open. Children, the school's principal, and students cross into the West Bank. Workers and teachers cross from the West Bank into the Seam Line zone. All greet us with a smile except for this six-years-old boy, who sticks is tongue out and spits. According to those going through, the Bio-metric inspection does not working and going through the inspection chamber takes longer.
We take an older hitchhiker to the crossroads, where he is being picked up by another vehicle.
07:40 We pass by the Barta'a checkpoint. All car parks are filled with Palestinian cars and trucks.
7:45 Mevoh Dotan – Ya'abed
On the way to the checkpoint, on a side road going to Ya'abed, where the iron gate is always locked, there is a group of soldiers wearing large yarmulkes. There are no soldiers at the checkpoint except for the Pillbox.
08:00 Barta's-Rihan
A vehicles is inspected thoroughly at the vehicles' inspection post. We go down to the terminal. Across from us are people who had just come out the terminal on their way to work at the Seam Line zone. They are happy today with the quick passage.
At the car park we met old acquaintance on their way to Rambam hospital. They are driven there by volunteers, the "On the Way to Recovery" people. Ali and his mother are in a good mood today. For a change they are not going for treatments today but rather to a fun day at the Ma'agan Michael beach, which is held once a year by the "On the Way to Recovery" people. We pick up Ali's mother and two friends and set off shortly before nine.