'Awarta, Burin (Yitzhar), Habla, Huwwara, Za'tara (Tapuah)
Habla – ‘Azzun – Madama – Burin – Huwwara – Beit Furiq – Za’atara
We set out before noon. Habla was closed. At ‘Azzun there were a few soldiers under the trees at the entrance to the village. At Burin there were soldiers standing opposite the school, opposite the entrance to Itamar. On the main road tens of settlers gathered, unloaded food from the cars and went to celebrate on the hill opposite. Huwwara and Beit Furiq – the area seemed sterile but it turned out that there were hidden glowing embers which burned slowly and after we returned home the flames rose and – hoppla – a terrorist act occurred exactly on the same place we had stood on. At Awarta and Huwwara vehicles of the Palestinian security forces turned around, which is very unusual. Za’atara CP was manned. There were many soldiers at the hitch-hiking stations.