Russian Compound, Jerusalem - Stone Throwing, Remand Extension
Translation: Marganit W.
Judge: lieut. Col. Menahem Lieberman
Police Investigator: Sgt. Anan Srur
Defense: Nery Ramati, Sharon Weill
There was one case in the docket: a resident of Na’alin:
Samir Nafa – ID 850061870
He is suspected of activity endangering security in the region.
The defense asked what kind of activity, and the investigator said, “Stones and firebombs and other things.” The information appears in the secret file, and it is not the customary “disturbance of the peace.”
As for incrimination of the detainee, we learn that the information is contained in the secret file. Justice Lieberman confirms the information, “There was incrimination.”
The defense wants to know why 15 days are needed, and what actions are planned. The investigator replies: the number of actions is irrelevant; the essence of those actions is the point. The detainee has not yet been interrogated by the police, only twice by the SHABAC [GSS]. At this point the detainee denies the allegations.
Defense’ summation: “Your honor, it is my understanding that the suspect was arrested at the end of an investigation of two people involved in this incident, and that they informed on him; their cases have already been transferred to the prosecution.” The defense sees no reason for the investigation to take so many days. For the sake of judicial control, he moves to shorten the investigation.
Judge’s summation: The suspect was arrested yesterday and his investigation began right away. From the secret file the judge gathers that there are reasonable grounds to suspect security risk. However, in order to ensure judicial control, he orders remand extension for 8 days.