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When we arrived it was very quiet. Just three border policemen around and only a few Palestinians with blue ID's on their way to Jerusalem. We decided to walk the slippery paths the Palestinians have to take. The first mud path we were sliding along (you need stabile boots) was the narrow one behind the new concrete blocks before the mosque along the wall of the Islam University. The mud was about 3 cm deep. To protect their shoes children walking towards us were trying to balance on the feet of the blocks. Next mud path was the one leading through the meadow behind the checkpoint. A lot of schoolchildren and adults took this way. On the upper side of the meadow there are two openings in the wire through which one can climb on a wall and from there jump on the street. The Jerusalem end of the street was barred with high concrete blocks, which left a low slot through which only small children could pass. Back at the checkpoint it was quiet . 3 policemen were checking only some young men. One policemen put the ID's of three men on their way to Abu-Dis into his pocket. When we came nearer he pulled them out and gave them back.. .