A police jeep was there but Palestinians were passing freely if it can be called that over the stones into the field next to the booth. There was practically no checking and checking done, was fast. A soldier helped a woman with a baby as she climbed down. We asked the soldier in charge why if they were letting them pass freely they could not open up one of the slabs of cement to let them through like human beings and he said he had to obey the orders. One of the owners of the shops at the garage came up to say that we did make a difference when we were there. He said there had been beatings of young people that day.Up to the university grounds we saw three soldiers there and a crowd of young men and women. We saw a man handcuffed and on his knees at the railing. The soldier saw us with the phone and writing down something and he unlocked the cuffs and the man left in the direction of the village. The women were then let through at once and the men were checked fast and efficiently. At 4.25, back to the garage there were many men waiting but the checking went quickly. A lot of shouting from the other side. There were about 6 soldiers screaming at 3 men but a few minutes later they let them go and also walked down further along the road in the direction of Maaleh Edumiem. Suddenly an army jeep pulled up and started shouting through the microphone at three young men going up the steps to stop. They ran away and the soldiers did not try to go after them but drove off at what is a very reckless pace considering the amount of people and cars in the area, in the opposite direction.