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Naveh Ya'acov

E-Ram checkpoint with five soldiers. Low pedestrians passing. Heavy long traffic line, more than one hour waiting time around 6.30.Sunny 2000: two different groups of two soldiers each chasing Palestinians from both sides.Qalandya: The volunteers behaved unpleasant. They try to argue with us without success. For two days already only blue ID's allowed to pass. But they check all orange/green ID's, even detainee them some of them and than send them back. Children usually don't have to wait in the checking line. Today the volunteer ordered them to wait like everybody.At the traffic light from Naveh Ya'acov an 78 year old Palestinian from Katana was sitting on the sideboard. Jeep nm: 22568 took his orange ID and wanted to take him to the police station. The man had kidney problems, felt very bad and wanted to go to Augusta Victoria Hospital. The soldiers didn't care. After a lot of phone calls from us and an hour of waiting he got his ID back.