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woman,another man

People passed the wall through a terribly difficult and slippery climbing. It is like whole population, including old, pregnant and babies are trained in mounting. The other passage was far away through the Islamic School. The previous path (covered by nice, white small stones to prevent slippery) is closed by cement blocks. Transit drivers said that two transits were confiscated today for carrying passengers with West Bank IDs. We have names of 5 drivers whose cars were confiscated in recent days. We observed 2 border police soldier taking pleasure in a human hunt about 400 m towards Jerusalem from the wall. They went away when we arrived. They were going later on forward and back in jeep number22565. We spoke with a woman who lives at the place we saw soldiers. She spoke a lot about harassment of her family by soldiers and by a lot of beating going around She and another man independently reported about 40-50 years old man being half undressed on Friday at about 3 p.m. The man was left for 1 and a half hr without his shirt in a terrible cold. It was on a main road, everybody could see him.