Reihan, Shaked, Sun 30.12.07, Morning

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Yocheved J. and Hannah H.

Translation: Devorah K.

06:05 - 08:40

Reihan CP - 06:05

The CP opened at 05:30 but it seems that only a few people have gone through so far. The terminal is full and a large number of people are detained in the shed before the entrance to the terminal building. Despite the crowd there are only two inspection posts in operation (out of eight). All those going through complained about the crowding in the inspection rooms. In the lower parking lot, twelve vehicles with goods are waiting. The first has been waiting since yesterday. In the shed four passenger vehicles are being inspected. The gardeners, who will turn into porters at 07:00, are working energetically with rakes to beautify the terminal.

Shaked CP - 07:00

The CP is open and about 30 people begin to go through from the West Bank to the seamline zone. Most of them go through the inspection rooms. The pupils begin to arrive at 07:15 and go through in groups, with the soldiers inspecting their schoolbags.

Old Barta'a CP - 07:30

The CP is open and about 30 people and two herds of goats are waiting to go through to the seamline zone. Ten meters from the CP an electric gate is being constructed to guard those who wish to go through at that distance from the gate. All of them go through.

Reihan CP - 08:00

Above the vehicle inspection shed there are now two more cameras. Passenger cars are inspected in foursomes in 15 minutes. The first four groups of four commercial vehicles go on their way at 08:30 and four others enter the inspection compound. One of the drivers told us that on Friday afternoon (3:00), while he was on his way from Tul Karem to Hawwara, stones were thrown at his car near Yitzhar. His mother was injured and had to go to the hospital in Tul Karem. The windshield was broken and there is damage to one of the lights.