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Abu Dis, Sawahre Tue. 07.12.04 p.m. Observers: Julia W., Rina H., Rahel W (reporting)2:00 p.m. until 4:30 p.m.A lot of traffic at the pishpash. A border police jeep present, but people freely moving back and forth through the monastery grounds with no checks.We took a transit to Sawahre and the container. Traffic was passing very quickly in both directions. There was a slight problem when the carousel in the direction heading south was stuck. The soldiers allowed the pedestrians to pass via the road and then continue on. No detaineesinfo-icon during our stay and almost no backup of cars.For the past three weeks, things have been extremely quiet and uneventful at the Container. Could this be an indication of changes dictated from above or just more efficient, decent personnel on duty?