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Sawahre and Abu Dis Wednesday 8.12.04 AM Participants: Ruthi R., Ofra B. (reporting). Baruch H., a guest,6:55 – Sawahre CheckpointNot many travelers toward Abu Dis, possibly because of the early hour. A short lineup of cars, mainly cabs. The soldiers respond warmly to our "Shalom."Stormy weather and chill wind. The rain hasn't yet started. A man we know, who lives in one of the houses on the hill, leads his young son toward the school bus.He does this daily and wonders why the bus can't pull up to his house in winter, especially since there are other schoolchildren to be picked up there. Ruthi has a couple of words about this with the CP officer, who says he will allow the bus to reach hill.There are some pedestrians but no one is detained. At about 7:20 buses sponsored by the Red Cross arrive. They are [full of people] on their way to family visits in prisons, and are led by a Red Cross passenger car driven by the man in charge of the convoy. Soldiers mount the buses and remove three women with blue (Israeli) identity cards, whose holders are not allowed to move into Israel from Area A. One of the women carries a babyinfo-icon and leads a boy of about two by the hand. A soldier calls to learn what to do. It turns out there is nothing to be done. Even if we were coming from Bethlehem we wouldn't be allowed to cross over to Jerusalem. The entire procedure takes a long time and a long line of cars is formed. Afterwards they let the cars go through relatively fast. 08:30 Abu Dis It's quiet. No soldiers or border guards. Pedestrians pass through the convent and down the steps which were broken up by the BP and repaired last week. Our friend N. says that a new commander has replaced G. He is more humane and considerate. It seems the taxis will be moved to CP A, where there will be better livelihood. They express hope that the new leadership lead the way to peace.