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Checkpoint 300 and the town BethlehemFriday, 24.12.04, PMObservers: Yehudit A and Hanna BIt's a cold and rainy afternoon. We arrived at the Bethlehem checkpoint (300) which was festive and decorated, with a newly asphalted road. The Border policeman waved us through with our car. No documents were checked and no questions asked. Cars and pedestrians went through unchecked as well. We arrived at a new roundabout next to which a new border crossing without the chimneys (in the meantime?) has been built. One gets a good view of the meandering separation wall from that vantage point. Next to Rachel's Tomb we met 2 freezing soldiers who also assured us that the passage was free. The structures around the tomb, which hide it completely, block the direct road to Manger Square. We were instructed by the soldier how to get to the square and following their instructions, got very near to it. Palestinian policemen diverted the traffic and we turned around and went home.The houses along the detour road looked deserted with closed shutters and empty streets. The feeling was unreal, how it suddenly looked so near! Shopkeepers asked us who we are and welcomed us warmly, asking the obvious question: Why?