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Tarqumiya, Tuesday 27/12/04, AMObservers: Nurit Sh., Ruthie K. (reporting)All was straightforward.We arrived at 5:20 and noted a lot of transits on the way. When we arrived, we saw about 10 parked transits,and were afraid there was a problem, but it was just the opposite.On our arrival,one of the drivers welcomed us,he was glad we were there so early. He and the other workers said that this morning everything went very well - the crossing was fast and smooth. The soldiers were new Border Police. Tal,the Commander,let everyone through very quickly, without delay. He told us that more than 100 Palestinians had crossed the checkpoint prior to our arrival (5:20). Soldiers had "caught" 21 Palestinians on the hills - with passes - trying to get through without being checked, andhad sent them to him. When he asked why they were evading the roadblock despite having legitimate work permits, they replied, their Israeli employer demanded that they arrive early and they were afraid they'd be late if they crossed via the checkpoint. The Commander allowed them through with a warning. However,he noted the employer's name and intends to reprimand him. He also said he'd been againstArabs in the past but at work, he'd begun to understand their position and now he feels:"Most of them are good people who simply want to find work; the minority are trouble-makers, just like it is with us.." Many Palestinians went through. We estimated more than 400 people. Tal, the soldier, said the permits are inclusive. There were no sectors whose entrance is disallowed.On our way home,we were stopped by a police jeep (near the gas station) and then,were allowed to go on. A transit that had stopped earlier,was delayed for examination.