including Anata

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Anata, Ar-Ram, Qalandiya Sunday 23.1.05 AMWatchers: Dalia R. Marit T. (reporting)6.30 - 8.00A nonevent watch. The last day of the holyday.6.30 Anata.Hardly any people or cars. The soldiers are friendly. The irritated commander arrives and warns them against any talk with us.6.45 Ar-RamVery few pedestrians or cars.8.00The same7.10 QalandiyaFew pedestrians or cars. The new commander Z. manages the place in a civilized way and the relaxed atmosphere is apparent. The soldiers take down details of those who are going north. A temporary procedure, they say.The place is abominably dirty.Drivers and workers in the parking lot, are optimistic.