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Abu Dis, Wadi Nar Sat. 22 Jan 2005 AM Watchers: Rachel H and Nina M (reporting) 10:00 –11:40 It was a last day of Eid –el Adha feast. Near closed "bawaba" (pishpash gate). People bypassed through the monastery yard. Border police was absent in this area. Near Cliff hotel a new road, with an iron gate, leading to Kidmat Zion settlement is formed. A soldier can be seen on a roof of an only building of this settlement. At container checkpoint (Wadi Nar) soldiers refuse to speak with us, however at the end one of them provides an information that there are no changes in passing orders because of the holiday. We have an impression that because of our presence soldiers get more energy to act. Two detained men are released and cars pass quickly. A garbage truck is ordered to wait for unpredicted time, but we take interest in this case and suddenly the driver of the truck is ordered to pass