Jubara and Irtah

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Jubara, Irtah: Sunday, 23.1.05. PM. Observers: Chen G., Susan L. (reporting)17:15 JubarraSecurity fence: problem at HableWhile standing in the long line of Israeli cars and trucks at theJubarra checkpoint, we are approached by two Palestinians. After theusual pleasantries, one of them told us about what's happening atHable, the village he's from, by the security fence. His father ownsland there; a day earlier he was approached by "Israelis" saying thatthe land no longer belonged, or never belonged to him. What should hedo? The line of cars (Israeli, but not of our ilk) was moving, wecouldn't hold them up, but gave him a card to call us. Since there are few, if any, other "friendly" cars going throughJubarra, and since the Palestinians can't enter Israel, they havelittle recourse but to ask for our help when and if they see us. Thisis bound to become a growing issue for us, even when not visiting theaffected villages.