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Huwwara, Monday, 31.1.05, AM Observesr: Orli P., Annelien K., Tal H. (reporting)Guest: Haya A. At Tapuach/Zaatra Junction: no cars waiting to be checked.On our way back: 20 vehicles lining up to be checked in the same direction.Huwwara South 9:30: No detaineesinfo-icon, but 4 women, Ecumenical Accompaniers, kept from crossing into Nablus, for two of them did not apply (fax) to the DCO for permits in time so bureaucracy keeps them out. Thanked but refused our offer to make phone calls, said they were taking care of it on their own.Pedestrians crossing smoothly and rapidly outside the turnstile racks.Surprise friendly meeting with Yehudit, Netta and Mika (of MW) touring various CPs, who tell us that at the northern CP heard soldiers complain they were missing out on action because of the “hudna”. Otherwise they would have loved to “take care” of some GSS-cleared persons who were allowed to cross…Huwwara North: 4 detainees awaiting their IDs. Two of them a short while, another two over an hour. 2 women schoolteachers and a student on her way to an exam of the British Council. The student is under age and shows a birth certificate, BUT thought that the teacher was adult enough and did not bring her parent along as well.CP commander O (see Susan Lorencao’s report) played by the book but finally relented to A.’s (DCO humane representative) insistence to let them through.And speaking of the compliments this CP commander received in yesterday’s report, he is indeed sweet looking and all a-smile, but a local ear familiar with his sarcasm reveals content that is far from the form. Such as confiding to me his summary of the Balata refugee camp (from which a family arrived who wants to cross out and is held for the time being, the son has to be checked):“The camp is shit, the people are shit, everything is shit”. sic. So far O.Ah, yes: he also bothered to tell the young detainee from Balata that Tiberias (his home town) is like Balata. Go figure.Beit Furiq: Nothing to report. CP empty of traffic.