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Ar-Ram, Qalandiya 04.02.05 a.m.Observers: Rahel, Navah, GaliNo special happenings. 9:20 Ar-Ram. It was quiet. No lines of cars or pedestrians. The road on the east side of the wall from Ar Ram to Qalandiya is still blocked up and it is possible to pass only on the western side of the wall via a dirt road full of holes.9:40 Qalandiya. Quiet and no lines of people or cars. Additional turnstiles were erected for people going from Ar-Ram to Ramallah. The soldiers directed women with packages and strollers to the road going from Ramallah to Ar-Ram where there are no turnstiles. On the eastern side of the checkoint, the army set up fences around the field and a bulldozer was digging out an approach opposite the eastern entry to Ar-Ram. It is not clear what the reason for this work is.