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Wadi Nar Thu. Feb. 10, 05 PMObservers: Drora, Devora, Nurit (reporting)We drove directly to Wadi Nar because we were late and there was a feeling that there will not be much happening in Abu Dis (I wonder about that).We took the Kedar road to Wadi Nar and found traffic flowing without much build up of vehicles waiting on both sides. We noticed at one point that two young men were being detained and after about 15 min. we asked about them. We were told, "It's nothing, we will release them in a few minuets". and indeed they did. One wonders if there was no problem with them why they were detained to begin with. The soldiers were not hostile but also not very friendly. Occassionally people in passing cars would wave to us. The gate to Kedar road was opened. We asked the sodldeirs if they have recieved any new orders because of the Sharem Summit. They said, "NO, why? is anything wrong here?" We felt that we were really not doing anything there. It feels as if they have smoothed out all the kinks in their system and that the Palestinians have been "trained" not to try to do things they are not allowed (such as pass with vehicles that don't have a permit). So it seemed that the occupation business was clicking along efficiently. What is wrong with this picture?