including Anata

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Qalandiya, Ar-Ram, Anata Tuesday 15/2/05 ,morning.Yeudit A, Liliane L.Anata. 6:45Cold morning.Very few cars .A few pedestrians going through the caroussel .Almost no checking.Garbage all around. Ar-Ram.Almost no traffic.Qalandiya.* The female soldier in charge of the humanitarian line comes and goes and meanwhile the line is growing.She seems to have some difficulties to go through her checking duties; the line is growing longer and longer until the commander Emil comes and helps her.Fair amelioration.*In the "regular" line ,a soldier registers the waiting people by groups of 10 before they can pursue the checking routine.For stastistic purposes ;so he said.*A new work area on the east side, seemingly the infrastructure for a new part in the wall construction .*A new caroussel was built to enter the northen area.We get through it and on our way back we take the humanitarian line .A soldier scolds us.Israelis are not allowed to enter the northen area.An army order.When we protest ,Emil comes and agrees with us that this decree is quite illogical.The time is about 9:00 o'clock and we go back to our car.