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Ar-Ram, Qalandiya 17.02.05 p.m.Observers: Edna K, Ivonne P, Marta K (reporting)There is no longer a requirement to present a permit to cross the Qalandiya checkpoint. This was the most astonishing event of the day. When we arrived at the checkpoint today, we met Col. Miki who is apparently the commander of the division in that area. We asked him why the checkpoint was closed in the morning and he told us that there was an alert about a suicide bomber who was heading to the checkpoint. Then, we noticed that there was no line at all. Before we fully appreciately what was happening, we learned that there is no longer a need for a permit to pass. A security check is carried out and people must bring i.d.'s.Therefore, the traffic flowed quickly and the soldiers appeared to be bored. There was not the usual tension. At the intersection, there were a lot of peddlers -- more than usual.On the eastern side of the wall, a road is being paved, but it is still not possible to travel on it. From the moment one passes Ar-Ram, he sees the "wastelands" on the sides of the wall that is like the chaos that one finds in the third world. There is nothing new at the Ar-Ram checkpoint. There are the same alienated expressions and the need for i.d.'s and permits to pass. For us, this was a special day.