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Qalandiya - 16.2.05 - 15:30 - 18:00Observers: Aya K and Ivonne M + a group of 10 Austrian observers belonging to a protestant church - 15:30 - 18:00 (Ivonne M reporting)Many people approached us and expressed their frustration at the great gap between what is presented in the media regarding the positive advances towards "peace" and what is really happening on the ground, which is an increase in measures directed at the segregation of Palestinians from each other and from the world outside the Palestinian ghettos.A very worrying fact is that already for more than 20 days there has been no distribution or sale of cooking gas in Ramallah, El Bireh, Qalandiya and even Bet Hanina and people are worried when this will end. They are down to their last reserves of gas. The soldiers at the checkpoint don't allow gas containers (balonim) neither full nor empty, to go through the checkpoint.There is a new group of reservists at the checkpoint, they belong to the military engineering unit and their commander is called Ariel. They have been there for 2 weeks. They were concerned about the Austrian observers with us. One soldier is documenting the color of the ID of each one going south.We were told by many eye witnesses how a a woman gave birth on the 15th. of Feb. at about 9 a.m. at the checkpoint. She was on her way to a hospital in Qalandiya, going north from Ar-Ram when she gave birth. Everyone was joking that the babyinfo-icon will be called "Machsom".