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Election day report: shaufat, Beit hanina, East JerusalemWe arrived at the post office on Salach Adin St. in East Jerusalem and saw a long line stretching out of the doors onto the porch. Many people were milling around on the stairs and across the street; they seemed to be just watching. There was a festive atmosphere and some jouronalists taking photos. People we spoke to said that there are many people who are hesititant or afraid to vote and that there are more people watching than actually voting. There was no police or army presence.Shaufat: The voting booth was at the post office. There were not many people and we noticed quite a few international observers. Everybody was friendly.Beit Hanina: At the post office there was a small crowd of voters and people haning out. There were no complaints and in general there was a happy atmosphere. We saw no army or police presence anywhere.