South Hebron

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South Hebron, Wednesday 23.2.05, AMObservers: Leah Z., Shlimith T., Hagit B. [reporting]We left at 6.30 and returned at 1.30No change in the road. High earthworks and large rocks on both sides and when seen for the first time [like Shlomith] even more distressing especially on the background of new green shoots, anemones, wild flowers and blossoming almond trees.Road 317 The road blocks to Arad and Levana are manned as usual, but no traffic. Five Kms further on, a break in the earthworks, either for the benefit of the army or a new settlement. A new settlement also above Levana.Hirbet Tawani We saw the six teachers climbi8ng over the earthworks from Yatta on their way to the scool. This time they had come in a transit as far as the road - but the transit is not allowed to cross the road. The police jeep that protects the children on their way to school was on time. According to the children, the settlers set their dogs on them but these were chased away by the police.J., the muchtar spoke of the following problems:1. The stones have not been removed from the school and the road has not been cleared as there is no permission from the army. Why no permission? Because the villagers will be able to reach their fields more easily! 2. J.'s fields were declared a firing zone in 1998. He may not attend to the field, although they have been recognised as his property. He may only enter on Frdays and Saturdays by prior arrangement with the cavil administrator, which does not permit good husbandry.3. Every now and then, the army arrests the shephards on their own land near Susiya and hold them in the army base for 3 hours and then releases them. Why? Just so! This happened to Mahmoud yesterday.Road 356 The pillbox is manned. the gate at Ziv junction is open. Road 60. Gate to Dahariya is open. The earthworks have been removed on the turnoff to Beni Naim. Shiuch: As usual pedestrians cross the road to get from taxi to taxi Dura el Fawar: A surprise checkpoint on the road. Politr soldiers, but no obvious reason for a check at this point.Road 35 The road to Halhul-Hebron bridge is closed again. Traffis flows over the bridge. The owner of the glass factory said there is no feel of easing the occupation, but a storekeeper from Bethlehem reported that he had not been stopped at all on the drive down.On the road near Samoa there are road workers protected by soldiers. Hardly any army traffic, but a little more Palestinian traffic that usual.