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Abu Dis, SawahreTue. 22.02.05 p.m.Observers: Chana G., Julia W., Rina H., Rahel W. (reporting)As we drove along the road from A- Tour in the direction of Abu Dis, we noticed a BP jeep blocking the road and hundreds of people standing around. The "special event" was the demolition of a seven story (unoccupied) building. It made our hearts sink to witness the wanton destruction -- just a few days after the army finding that demolition of homes is counterproductive and just creates more hate and bitterness. I immediately called Arik Ascherman from the Rabbis for Human Rights, but Arik knew all about the destruction and had been there in the morning. We don't know just how many buildings were destroyed. When we were there before 2:00 p.m., one section of the building was mostly destroyed. When we returned at 5:00 p.m., the road was still blocked, but since we had to come by a different road, we don't know if only that building was targeted or if others were demolished as well.We continued up to the Cliff hotel (along the newly paved road). The hotel area is a mess. There were no border police or soldiers to be seen anywhere.We crossed over through the monastery (noting that more and more people are opting to scale the wall in various places -- perhaps because of some border police at the pishpash). The ride to the Container took three times as long as usual because the PA is repairing the road and there were huge backups of traffic.Once again, things went very quickly and efficiently at the container. There were some random checks, but no detaineesinfo-icon and cars that were held up for checks of documents were let go in under 10 minutes.The impression that stays with us, and will undoubtedly always be with hundreds of people in Abu Dis, will be the sight of bulldozers tearing down the seven story building.