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Rihan, Tuesday, February 22, 2005, AMObservers: Joy H., Miriam L., Tammi S. (reporting)At the pedestrian gate there was an ongoing thin stream of people going north (Israel). Most of them were Barta'ans holding valid papers, which were examined swiftly and the people let through.Again, we approached a farmer from the village of Kapeen with a valid passage permit for gate No.12. He was sent back and wasn't allowed in through this gate. To our question, the soldier said that gate No.12 is open today. On our way back, we checked it out and found that the gate was locked, not open as the soldier said.At the vehicle inspection post, there were many soldiers. Cars and vans were inspected fast and passage was permitted.The atmosphere on site is calm and no special problems were observed, except for the predicament of the farmers and their gate 12 permits.