Shaked, Rihan

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Shaked, Rihan, Thursday, February 24, 2005, AMObservers: Sandra R., Lea R. (reporting)Shaked gate 07:20 - 07:50The pupils have already gone to school. A few older youngsters had arrived. We asked one of them whether he was a teacher or a student and he smiled and said he was a student. He wished us a good day and rushed through the gate to school.The gate closed at 7:45;- we didn't see any more children going to school. Still, what if someone is late?Rihan checkpoint - 08:00 - 10:00We stood by a traffic island next to the vehicle passage. A soldier came over, introduced himself as the CP commander and asked us to return from the parking lot through the "sleeveinfo-icon," because those are the orders. He also ordered us to stand at a distance of 10 meters from the pedestrian passage or to stand at the waiting shed. We take these limitations as a compliment to MW. Apparently we are "important" enough to be limited. So we stood in the waiting shed, where we were able to converse with Palestinians.The problems that came out, during our shifts were family-related. For example, a man whose mother is dying and resides in Kapeen, while he and his wife and children live in East Barta'a. He is registered as a resident of Kapeen and following a visit with his mother, he was not allowed to reunite with his wife and kids back in Barta'a. His permit was valid only through February 20, 2005. We tried calling the District Coordination Office (DCO) and the humanitarian headquarters, but to no avail. Finally, the man decided to go to the Salem DCO.Very few go through the gate, and all is "calm."