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Abu Dis, SawahreSunday, February 27 pmWatchers: Aya L., Ofra B. and Ronny P. (reporting)We arrived at the Sawahre checkpoint at a very important moment.A group of 3 high rank and another man plus our Avi Biton were studying the issues of the new computer system introduced there on a trial basis.While they were there a big group of detaineesinfo-icon were released and traffic flowed easily.We couldn't let an opportunity go by and approached the high ranking man asking them about a solution for people who get stopped,detained a number of times on their way home and every time the same -handing in their IDs and have them checked for ever...Well, we were told that this new system should solve just these problems- that the soldier will be able to click in to the computer at the checkpoint where the person was last detained (hopefully also random checks) and see it on his screen.At the tea room we heard more optimism than amomg us and hope... As they said they need to feed on hope than we do.We suppose we all know how the same men in the tea room are not allowed to drive their cars anywhere- not to endanger the Kedar settlement and ,pf course not allowed to cross the checkpoint by car. They are only allowed to have it parked next to their house.Back in Abu Dis we drove along the wall and watched a happy young family walk into their home well past the hotel and we assumed feeling well protected by the guards and the wall and not thinking that it is so ugly to live next to this enviromental blemish.We watched people climb over the cracks in the wall and thought that soon all this will stop.On our way home we were thinking about "MachsomWatch - where are we heading to after July?"