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Ar-Ram, Qalandiya, Anata 23.02.05 a.m.Observers: Tamar L, Anat T (reporting)6:40 Qalandiya: Work in the area to the east of the checkpoint is expanding. Cars had to wait in line for about 20 minutes. There was a reasonable line in the lane for regular inspections. There was great pressure in the humanitarian lane: two women soldiers were thoroughly checking every bag and tried as best they could to withstand the angry crowd that had built up at the passage. After a while, we noticed that they were speeding up the inspection of small children, despite the fact that A from the DCO instructed them not to organize the line for the Palestinians. We were positively impressed by the soldiers at the checkpoint, as opposed to A, the veteran at the checkpoint who is getting increasingly harsh. He shouts instructions from afar, is busy preventing people from passing in the area that opened up near the turnstile heading north. For example, he argued with an old woman who passed there and did not understand what he wanted from her. He does not speak Arabic, and we were not able to explain to her that he wanted her to return to the humanitarian lane, and he did not accede to our requests or to hers. She stubbornly stood there and did not move. Fortunately, a woman came by and explained to the old women what was happening, and she responded immediately and returned and crossed through the humanitarian lane. The woman also had a few words for A. "Now you feel strong -- at the expence of an old woman. Congratulations!" After a conversation with A, in which we discussed the disappointment with the deterioration in the behaviour toward the Palestinians, and the fact that, he really is not doing what he is supposed to be doing -- to administratively assist the people who are crossing . He quickly allowed a social worker to pass to get to her child who was having problems. We parted from A with the request that he improve his behavior. He told us that he got an extension in his assignment at the checkpoint for another half year. To us, that was horrible, because it was clear that he is in a situation of severe burn out in his position at the checkpoint. 7:45. Ar-Ram. Three detaineesinfo-icon, workers, who were released as soon as we got to the checkpoint. We asked about "the catch" the detainees who came in the jeep in the morning, and we were told that a lot more detainees without permits will be caught during the day, because this is the gateway to Jerusalem, and that is the goal at the moment. No special happenings. We ended out shift at 8:15.