Etzion DCO and CP, Beit Jala, El Khadr, Bethlehem CP 300

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Bethlehem and Surroundings--Feb. 23,05 PMObservers: Yael R., Noa. R., Ayelet F., Tirtza F. (reporting)14:50-17:1014:50 Tunnel CheckpointThe checkpoint is manned by soldiers and policemen. Traffic is flowing.At El Khadr, on the main road, another large army vehicle and a soldier standing by it, probably guarding the men repairing the road lamps. The traffic of taxis, passengers and coffee sellers is undisturbed.15:05 Ezion DCOAbout 20 people waiting in the shed and in the area in front of the windows. A man approaches us. He's been asking for a magnetic card for 4 years without getting it. He has 3 children, 2 of them need eye operations. He asked to speak with the shabac, to find out why he's being refused. He was told to come today and meet captain Shaher. He has been bullied like this for 4 years: each time he's invited to come, his ID is taken in the morning and returned at night and he doesn't get to meet anyone. Today he gave his ID at 7 am at the window and has been waiting since. He points out for us another man who received a summons to the shabac at the checkpoint, and has been waiting since the morning as well. We go around to speak with the soldier standing above. "We keep the IDs until they are called", he replies to our query re. the 2 waiting men. "They can't be released without the ID". They might be released without the ID but there will be no meeting. "They are being summoned all the time", says the soldier.We go to speak with the soldier standing in the booth. He asks who are the people we're asking about, whether they are palestinians, who are they to us and what is our role. He proposes we approach the window. We explain we're not allowed to. He makes a phone call and then tells us we may approach the window. We go to the carousel and the soldier operating it sends us away. Another soldier, D., comes and starts yelling at us to get out, that we shouldn't stand in the shed either. We go back to the soldier in the booth who confirms what D. says: "you shouldn't go in, this is palestinian area".A man in a wheelchair arrives, led by another person. He asks to be let inside by the locked door in the fence, without having to pass through the stairs and the carousel. The soldier in the booth doesn't allow him to go in and tells him to send the man accompanying him to the window in his stead. Both men go in the shed. The officer M. arrives. We ask about the 2 men. He says they should wait. We ask if he can speak with Shaher. The answer is no.15:40A man gets out of the gate and finally summons inside the man that has been waiting since the morning. He's asked to empty his pockets and beyond the booth 2 men in civilian clothes are waiting for him.15:50 Ezion checkpointNo soldiers.16:00 Beit Jalla checkpointA line proceeding rapidly. A soldier explains to us the checkpoint is for the benefit of the inhabitants because it allows them to pass this way: "We opened this passage for them".16:30 Bethlehem checkpoint 300On the way, near Tantur's wall, there are BPs and policemen, and a police car.2 men are waiting in the shed near the investigations rooms. When we arrive one of them is called inside and the investigator demands we won't talk with the other man. For the first time no one remarks about us standing inside the checkpoint, beyond the police iron barriers.The line of cars going to Bethlehem is proceeding slowly. No line in the pedestrians lane.17:05We leave. The first investigated man is still inside, the other still waiting in the shed.5 BP women soldiers are waiting on Hebron Road.