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Abu Dis, Ma’ale Adumim Thursday 24 February 2005 AMObservers: Meira A., Hanna Y. & Yehudit R. (reporting) 07:00 - Entrance to Ma’ale Adumim – An impromptu checkpoint –cars were checked, the line wasn’t long.07:15 – The Container – Children going to school, some on donkeys. The line at the checkpoint wasn’t long, there were no detaineesinfo-icon. No cars were going in the direction of Bethlehem. Traffic flowed, no pedestrians, no detainees.Facing the checkpoint, towards Al Ezariya, we saw workers with heavy machinery, maybe building a new road or settlement?At the entrance to Kedar settlement – a checkpoint is in place.08:00 – Abu Dis – We drove past the former hotel and passed by the settlers new building. People are working there too – another new settlement? Along the road, on one side the wall, on the other a fence.A splendid view of the Old City - facing the asphalt, walls, fences and ‘rape’ of the earth. Concrete has conquered.