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Abu Dis, Al Ezariya, the Container Sunday 27 February 2005 AMObservers: Sylvia P., Ofra B. & Hanna A. (reporting) 06:40 – Sho'afat – Traffic was flowing, pedestrians were checked, there were no detaineesinfo-icon. In the car behind us was a woman driver, a local resident who works for UNWRA, who thanks us for our work. Nice to hear.07:00 - Mishor Adumim – Ten yellow taxis were waiting in line, apparently not for long periods.07:10 – Al Ezariya – Like every Sunday, there was a long line of waiting cars. When we got closer, IDs were being returned to people who had already crossed over. The others waited patiently but no special activity was visible.07:30 – The Container – A considerable line south/north but waiting was no more than ten minutes. A bus with schoolchildren and a few teachers stopped at the side. A woman got out, probably a kindergarten teacher, who’d forgotten her ID at home. Nothing helped, not even the good will of the soldiers and of Haim, the District Coordination Office representative. She had to go home and bring her ID, because an ID is a vital accessory at checkpoints. The bus drove off.08:45 – The Pishpash Gate – The very moment we arrived, the whole area of the pishpash was closed due to a suspicious object. We found a blue bag on the street corner and wondered whether that was the way suspicious objects are left. A quarter of an hour later, the police robot hadn’t arrived, we left. At home, we watched Sylvia’s short film about the pishpash – which we hope will be screened at the DocAviv documentary film festival in April.