'Anabta, Ar-Ras, Jubara (Kafriat), Mon 21.1.08, Afternoon
1.40 A red sign warning about entering into the Palestinian authority stands at Jubara next to gate 753 but we do not know why. The military authority of Israel is absolute in this area and as far as we know there is not a centimetre which belongs to Area A.
We go to Ar-Ras where there is steady traffic but no pressure. The checking is swift and there are no delays. We go on to Ar-Ras with no problems, Kfar Zur, Beit Lid to 557. Road 60 some pleasant hills and almond trees without fences and walls.
Anabta 16.10 When we arrived there was a long line of cars up to the crossroads. The soldiers of the Nachshon Unit man the checkpoint. The lines was the result of the change in shift and after 10 minutes the soldiers sent the cars through very quickly and with no delay.