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We arrived at A-ram at 16:00,the
checking is easy, but there is a problem of married couples (more
than one) where one does not have a blue i.d. One case was solved
when an Israeli woman, apparantly the employer of the husband,
came, approached the soldiers in a very friendly manner & after
no time they let the woman and her 4 children in.

16:50 in Qalandya north.we heared some shooting, the checkpoint was
already closed for 10 min. Many people, about 100 to 150 waiting
and the atmosphere is tense..

Andreas, one of the soldiers told us there has been stone throwing
at the fence & a Molotov bottle near the checkpoint. He said:
our orders are, if they throw stones we do not shoot to kill, but
if there is a Molotov bottle we shoot live ammunition!!! The
commander today is Amir, he is very nervous & aggresive towards
the crowd. Hardly no way to communicate with him. The checkpoint
was opened again at 17:30. It took a long time for all the people
waiting to pass. The soldiers were very aggressive but the checking
went fast.

We hardly managed to help special cases. Even some people with a
permit were turned back because their permit is valid for a regular
day but not at closureinfo-icon.