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A-Ram,Commander A.

A-Ram: Approximately 15
southbound Palestinians (blue IDs) are waiting for their ID,
confiscated by the border police earlier for a random check. The
border police are rude, both to the Palestinians and to us, but the
IDs are returned after some 10 minutes. Very few cars queuing up
for checking.

Qalandya, 07:15: Checking of cars, and especially pedestrians, is
slow, hence the southbound queue is very long. But pupils, teachers
and small schoolchildren accompanied by a parent pass swiftly on
the lane outside the checkpoint- accompanying parent has to present
ID for check, though. Commander A. is nervous, and less lenient
than before. "I don't pity them [the Palestinians] any
longer", he replies to a query, avoiding a clear reason. He
refuses to let a Nazarene woman, through. During weekdays, the
woman crosses Qalandya daily to go to work. The blue police is
expected to arrive, as the lady illegally dwells north of the
checkpoint. After a while the woman is let through, but instructed
to get herself a special permit from the DCO.