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- The
same closureinfo-icon regulations, meaning passage permitted to Nablus
residents, teachers, hospital employees and severe humanitarian
cases. Students are still denied and none hang around the
checkpoint as they did last week. The soldiers were attentive to
the Palestinians needs, and we enabled passage for many people
previously denied. Still many others returned back.

There were 8 male and female detaineesinfo-icon, Jenin residents
caught at Nablus not far from the CP. The women were on verge of
exploding. They were released an hour later. As more detainees were
brought, a soldier started checking their IDs without delay.

There were about fifteen confiscated vehicles parked
there, for travelling on the banned roads, including taxis and even
one tractor. We saw the retrieving of the vehicles, conducted in a
formal orderly manner. We saw no more confiscating today, but then,
no vehicles approached from the side roads.

Same regulations, but more
soldiers, so checking is more efficient. Several dozens waiting,
and the soldiers listening and cooperating. People were asking for
more of our intervention.

A six year old boy with his father were going to Nablus.
Yesterday the boy was hit in his chest by stones thrown by settlers
in Awarta. They were let through immediately. The numerous taxis at
Huwwara are idle as not many people arrive from Nablus.