Beit Amin, Habla
12:20 Beit Amin/’Izbet Salman checkpoint 1447
12:20 A military vehicle stood at the entrance to the security road. We drove on the road without any problems.
12:30 We parked opposite Gate 1447. Three men waited on the Palestinian side.
12:40 An army truck arrived with four soldiers and a driver. The soldier opened the gate at 12:45 exactly.
We heard one soldier say to another, “Just check the ID cards, because the tablet isn’t working.”
The three men, a tractor, and a car went through easily, as did a man coming from afar along the security road, who crossed into Palestine.
We left before the gate closed because we hurried to reach the gate next to Hani’s family.
12:55 Hani checkpoint 1549
We drove past the entrance to Elkana and reached the gate, which was due to open at 12:55.
No one waited to go through and no soldier arrived to open the gate.
13:10 We left for Habla.
13:30 Habla 1393
We met a shepherd who’d already gone through the gate near the plant nurseries. He said he’s still not permitted to bring his sheep to graze in his fields on the Israeli side, despite endless promises.
13:30 The gate is open, crossing proceeds relatively without problems, all the inspections are conducted on the road, and the inspection booth is locked. Two tractors, five trucks, and a number people on foot are waiting. All went through except for a truck loaded with olive and kumquat saplings. The driver couldn’t cross to the plant nurseries because his permit has expired the previous day. He applied to the DCL for renewal but meanwhile he couldn’t cross. Many phone calls by the soldiers and the driver, and a delay, but finally the driver turned back with his truck of saplings.
14:13 The soldiers locked the gate.