'Anabta, Azzun, Jubara (Kafriat), Qalqiliya, Mon 24.3.08, Morning
The closure was over this morning and there was no apartness nor special restrictions. At all the checkpoints and roads we visited we noticed that traffic was very light, and there were few people passing through. The taxi drivers too were complaining about it.
6:35 Elijah Passage
Many workmen are waiting beyond the checkpoint, apparently for their transport. Few pedestrians are waiting to go through. About 25 cars are waiting to cross over to Israel. Strict inspections.
6:40 Qalqiliya
No cars at the entrance to the town, but at the exit one cannot see the end of the queue. The 17th bus passed after 14 minutes. There are no inspections but the usual idleness, and the long intervals between one wave of the hand and another, cause the queue.Israeli cars go through according to a list.
7:20 Azzun
The entrance to Azzun, through Izbat Tabib is open and we saw some cars there. The main entrance is fortified as usual. Next to it a military ambulance is parked but the soldiers in it do not divulge any information of course.
9:25 Anabta
No queue and no inspections, neither at the entrance nor at the exit. The drivers are waiting for the wave of the hand, then slow down by the check post, but most go through without any inspection.
10:00 Jubara
The soldiers open the gate without any trouble.At gate 753 the soldiers inspect two elderly women who want to reach Ar-ras, and then let them pass through. We offered them a lift, to the soldiers surprise and the women's joy. We proceeded to the village Ar-ras, and under the heavy heat we were showered with blessings. When we returned to the Ar-ras checkpoint we intended to park and observe the soldiers. One of the soldiers stopped us and asked us if we could offer a lift to a lame old Palestinian who needed to get to Jubara. We praised the soldier on his initiative, and his answer, so rare for these places, was: " He could have been my grandfather"... We no longer stopped to observe the soldiers , but continued on our way with our passenger. We saw that there was no queue in either direction. At 753 there were a lot of illegals.
10:30 We departed for home.