'Anata, Ar-Ram, Atarot, Bir Nabala, Jaba (Lil), Qalandiya, Wed 5.3.08, Afternoon
Hana T. Ruthie B(reporting) Natanya translating
A-Ram, Qalandiya, Atarot, Lil,Hizma
depressing routine. There are border police and also a checking
area in the northern direction from A-Ram before the car checkpoint and also a
police car. Cars waiting in the direction of Jerusalem and another police car is also inside
the checkpoint. There are 25 cars. The gate in the wall is closed.
Qalandiya. There are few people and the 4 turnstiles are open.
A man arrives to take a magnetic card. Also in the DCO there were no people
waiting. He presses on the button for the DCO again and again with no response
and in the meantime the hour of closing is drawing near. After he phoned they
spoke to him for a moment and promised to deal with the matter in the morning.
He is a football plays of the Anata team and they are going in two days time to
a competition in Morocco.
A young woman
arrives who needs the post office but as usual this government office is only
there for show.
The usual
stream of people begins to arrive and the entire time that we were there until
16.00 only two checking posts were open. When there is pressure the outside
turnstiles are closed and people wait there.
At the car lane
there is especially great pressure and the soldier checking do not let up on a
detaeil while the dog trainer and dog rest in the vehicle.
At Atarot from
far the traffice strams. We deside not to go to Bir Naballa without a flag
because of the tense situation.
At 17.00 the
checkpoint at Lil is empty.
At the entrance
to the village of
Hizma is a traffic jam
which takes 25 minutes to open….it seems that the children of the settlers are
late for their classes.