Preserving our humanity until the country wakes from the spell it’s under | Machsomwatch
אורנית, מהצד הזה של הגדר

Preserving our humanity until the country wakes from the spell it’s under

Dear Pitzi,

Here’s an opportunity to thank you publicly. Your work is holy, and you give us, too, hope that something can be done. I was impressed by the calm, matter-of-fact and devoted manner in which you led the tour. Your presence, your commitment – the moral stance and maturity that come from age and from life experience. I look up to you.


One of Grimm’s well-known fables, The Frog King, tells of Heinrich, the faithful servant of the young prince, who preserves in his heart the prince’s human aspect until the spell that turned his lord into a frog is broken; until then he binds it with three iron bands to keep it from bursting in pain. When the prince is feed from the spell his joy shatters them.


When the tour ended, I thought: You’re preserving our humanity until the country wakes from the spell it’s under.


Regarding your comment about young people – I believe that educating the young to behave morally is a political act – and not only here, not only now.


With deep respect,


Dafna Baryosef