'Anabta, Ar-Ras, Azzun, Jit, Qalqiliya, Mon 31.3.08, Morning

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Roni Sh., Osnat R. (reporter) Translator: Orna B.

06:35 Elijah Pass
Relatively not many pedestrians are waiting in the queue. About 20.
06:45 Qalqiliya
No queues. Hardly any inspections.
07:07 Azzun
Blocked as usual. Two army vehicles at the entrance. A Palestinian
pedestrian arrives. The soldiers do not stop him He clambers among the
barbed wires, over sand and earth mounds, in order to enter the
village. A cab stops and deposits passengers at the entrance to the
village. They too will have to climb over the mounds of earth.
07:15 Jit Junction
No road block.
09:20 Anabta
No inspections, no queues. Still there are soldiers and the vehicles have to wait for the wave of the hand.
10:00 Ar-ras
No queues and hardly any inspections.