Reihan, Shaked, Wed 28.5.08, Morning

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Vivian, Nava, and two guests, M.and H.

Translation: Yael Bassis-Student

07:45 Shaked/Tura checkpoint

Despite the routine at the checkpoint, there is always a special story.
Today the two-months-old babyinfo-icon, Muhamed, was transferred from Tura to the Mother/child care station at Um-el-Rhian.
Muhamed was born there, in the Seam-Line zone, and is listed as a resident of Um-el-Rihan. But in fact he lives with his parents on the Eastern side of the fence and the checkpoint. As far as I understand, at times the baby is allowed passage and at other times he is not. There are occasions in which he is allowed out but later the soldiers would not allow his return home at the West Bank.
In order for the baby to receive proper treatment at the Mother/child care station, his creative parents thought of a solution: they bring him over to the checkpoint in a baby carrier, the soldiers check out the baby and transfer the 'basket' to the grandfather, who is waiting on the other side, who then takes him to the mother/child care station and brings him back to the father, who waits with a cellular telephone on the Eastern side of the checkpoint.
The baby is breast-fed, which only complicates matters more.
Sounds surreal?
This is reality.

08:45 - We left

08:55 - Barta'a /Rihan checkpoint

Only a few people cross over to the Seam-Line zone. 2 pick up trucks  were inspected, one truck is awaiting inspection.

10:00 - We left