Hebron, South Hebron Hills, Tarqumiya, Mon 18.2.08, Morning

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Hagit S, Raya Y (reporting)

08:00 – three buses pass to prisons. A number of merchants cross to the Israeli side without and delays.
Route 35
Till Hebron the road is empty both of cars and people.
The town is empty of people until we reach Tel Rumeida. There is a memorial ceremony for a Jew today, so large forces of police and army are protecting settlers, in the freezing cold. The soldier on duty performs random checks on Palestinians going to the market, including slight raise of trouser legs to show that no knife is hidden in a sock. Depressing. Impossible and hard to live like this. Amid a lot of policemen and soldiers a few civilians are circulating, the reverse of usual. Two women with head covering, skirts over trousers and coats pass by. Difficult to differentiate between settlers and Hebron residents. At the other checkpoints almost no one to be seen. Sad.
Seems like life in Hebron for Palestinian residents has come to a standstill.