Bethlehem, Etzion DCL, Sun 18.5.08, Morning
Sylvia P., Ofra B., Chana A. (reporting)
6:55 Bethlehem Terminal: This week a full closure
of the terminal was anounced. At the last minute the closure was cancelled. The crunch on the terminal was much less that on a usual Sunday morning. The Ecumenicals reported that already 1600 people have passed so far. On Sundays the number, usually, is double. Word had not yet spread that the closure was cancelled. We met our three friends, a father and two mothers, their babies in arms, on their way to dialysis at Shaarei Tzedek. The father complained about his truck being impounded and we gave him Haya's phone number. As we were about to leave, at 7:10, a new wave of workers came into view and we stayed a while longer, but they passed quickly and no new ones were in sight.

Beth Ummar: We delivered a bunch of papers and instructions from Haya for a driver who has a bunch of fines and court cases hanging over his head. He has to appear at the Ofer military court early on Monday morning .
Etzion DCL: Many cars parked outside. It is almost full inside the hall . The Palestinians are organized and are called into the office five at a time. At about 9:30 the soldier at the microphone calls for all the women to come through. "Ladies first" he explains in English to the protesting men. Not only are the ladies first, but they are also by themselves, unaccompanied. There may have been complaints about harassment. We meet many blacklisted people and take home work.