Reihan, Shaked, Sun 29.6.08, Morning
Hannah H. and Ruthy T.
Translation: Devorah K.
05:55 - 08:20
05:55 Reihan-Barta'a CP
About 10 vans are waiting for workers in the upper parking lot. M., emerging from the terminal, reports that the CP opened at 05:20 (instead of at 05:00, as promised, and as has already been done several times). A worker tells us that he has missed his ride to work in Beth-Shean. He is going back home. A day's work lost.
Quotes from those leaving the sleeve that leads toward the seamline zone:
"Every day it's a different time."
"Every day the machine is out of order."
"Every day there's something new."
About 10 vans are waiting for workers in the upper parking lot. M., emerging from the terminal, reports that the CP opened at 05:20 (instead of at 05:00, as promised, and as has already been done several times). A worker tells us that he has missed his ride to work in Beth-Shean. He is going back home. A day's work lost.
Quotes from those leaving the sleeve that leads toward the seamline zone:
"Every day it's a different time."
"Every day the machine is out of order."
"Every day there's something new."
Still, we can see that the workers are exiting quickly: 35 people in 5 minutes. But the tempo of the exit is not uniform. After a few minutes, it slows to 12 people in 6 minutes.
At 06:00, as we go down the sleeve, we notice a new phenomenon from afar: Pickup trucks with goods are entering the compound for inspection, an hour earlier than usual. In the inspection compound for passenger cars there is only one car. On the exit from the terminal, all those coming out confirm that the new x-ray machine is out of order and all of them are required to go through the side inspection rooms, but the passage today is faster.
Until 06:15 - two windows are in operation at the exit from the terminal. B. comes out at 06:15, and tells us that he has arrived at the CP at 05:45. The woman workers greet us with "Morning of roses!"
At 06:30 there are five pickup trucks with goods in the lower parking lot . We are told that since last week, the pickup trucks come in for inspection at 06:00 already. "Is that a good thing?" "Good, good". Sa'id, Walid's younger brother, has fallen asleep at his coffee stand. The area for inspecting passenger cars is empty. We hear complaints about how slow things move at the Mevo Dothan CP. Is that why there are so few cars iwaiting for inspection?
We listen to the story about something that took place at the agricultural CP, Aqaba, which was set up instead of the old Barta'a CP: In the morning a farmer entered the CP with his 13-year-old son. He registered for himself +1. At noon, he learned that he is only allowed to bring children up to the age of 12 with him. He claimed that the age of the child was known in the morning but that did not help. His permit was confiscated immediately. Without any prior notice, without warning. Now he cannot get to his olive grove. The affair is being clarified at the DCO in TulKarem.
07:10 - Shaked-Tura CP
Seven people are waiting near the turnstile. A car that was going in the direction of the seamline zone passed inspection in a minute. The passage of the people from the turnstile through the inspection room also takes about a minute. At 07:15 a man with two little children arrives, going in the direction of the West Bank. They go through the inspection room in 20 seconds. It seems that this CP is working efficiently. Pupils and students are all on vacation.
07:35 - Back to Reihan-Barta'a
Four passenger cars are being inspected (Samih claims that the inspection is slow and causes delays for the passengers who go through the terminal); among them one there is loaded with eggs.
Pickup trucks with goods leave the closed compound at 07:50 (this is apparently the first batch, that entered the inspection compound at 06:00). Six additional pickup trucks are waiting in the parking lot. The bus that regularly arrives from Barta'a, in the direction of the West Bank, arrives at 07:45. A little before 08:00, its passengers, including a little boy, are sent to rest in the garden. No, the child does not take the opportunity to use the cute slide that has been installed there. After seven minutes, the bus goes on its way. At 08:10 only one pickup truck with goods is left in the lower parking lot. The people who come to the gate are allowed to enter immediately.