'Anin, Barta'a-Reihan, Tura-Shaked

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Roni S. and Hannah H. Marcia L., Translation

05:45 – 07:30

05:45 – Barta’a Checkpoint

Few people go up in groups from the terminal to the upper parking lot.  Among them are laborers who work in the Seamline Zone:  in East Barta'a, in the area of the Shahak industrial zone, and in settlements in the area.  Others work in Israel, most all of them in the city built to the south of Iron interchange:  Harish. Only those with permits to work in Harish are allowed to cross here into Israel in the morning. Relative to what used to happen here in the past, the checkpoint is empty.  Also, next to the three open inspection windows (among eight, which, in the past, could not handle the pressure), few wait to be processed.  At around 06:00, an additional window opens and at 06:10, we discern that the pace of the passage doesn’t get much better.  .A few more workers go out from the terminal, while they fasten the belts they had to take off for the magnetometer inspection.

In the other direction, people who worked during the night shift at Shahak, cross to the West Bank.

06:30 – Anin Checkpoint

In the container that serves as a waiting shed, there is a large lounge chair that the soldiers did not allow to pass through to the village last week.  Whoever wanted to transfer the lounge chair, wanted to add some more “junk” to increase his livelihood.  The soldiers arrive and organize themselves for the opening of the checkpoint.  As to our question (about the lounge chair), the female soldier who is responsible, tells us that the District Coordination  Office (DCO), forbids the passage of junk (that is, the lounge chair), at the agricultural checkpoint.  Therefore, M. was punished and denied his permit to cross the checkpoint.  Does that junk present danger to security?

06:40 – The crossing begins.  Ten people and one tractor pass through and one young man is returned home.

We suggested giving a ride to one of those who crossed through the checkpoint.  At the same time he enters the car, a District Coordination Office car passes us and parks at the checkpoint.  A representative of the DCO takes the young man out of our car, and wants to take his crossing permit because “it is forbidden for a Palestinian to travel in an Israeli car.”  Really?  After a short conversation with us, the boy was released with no damage, but he doesn’t travel with us.

06:55 – Tura Checkpoint

We were greeted only with soldiers and garbage that was strewn around.  No one passes through despite the late hour. (The checkpoint is supposed to be opened at 06:30.)

07:00 – The crossing begins.  Thirty-five people and three cars pass from the West Bank to the Seamline Zone.  Those who cross complain that every day they open the checkpoint late.  Two cars with people pass through to the West Bank.