Reihan, Shaked, Thu 3.7.08, Morning

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Raya T., Lea R. (Reporting)
Translation: Devorah K.

05:50 -09:00
05:50  A'anin CP
06:05 A military vehicle arrives. Getting organized slowly.
06:15 Beginnng to do inspections.
06:20 First person goes through to the seamline zone.
06:45 Until now about 10 people have gone through.
A young fellow talks to us. He tells us that his family is from Haifa. He is a graduate of the Nejach University in Nablus. Studied communications. He has no work and no hope of work.
We managed to get close to the interior gate, where the inspections are going on. We saw about 40 people waiting. The detaineesinfo-icon sat at the side. When we asked why everything is proceeding so slowly, the soldier says "Because they are all liars." He made us go away because "this is a military area". He said that all those with permits will go through.
07:30 We left before everybody went through.

07:40 Shaked-Tura CP
A few students said that there is very little passenger traffic to Jenin.
07:50 We left.

08:00 Reihan-Barta'a CP
At the entrance sleeveinfo-icon to the terminal many people are standing.
08:30 No change.
A conversation with Sharon (the head of the CP): "They are all liars and try to cheat. They take advantage of us. If it is so hard on them, they should go through at another CP. The inspectors are making every effort to ensure that passage proceeds to the satisfaction of everyone.
The inspection machine is out of order because of the heat and Sharon suggests that if we are concerned about the Palestinians, we should buy air conditioners.
It turns out that there is a representative of the DCO at the CP who issues permits. People have been waiting for him since early morning. They say that he will come at 1400.
09:00 We leave and take with us a father with a child who is being treated at the Rambam Hospital.